
Amplicon achieves Cisco IoT Advantage partner status

Amplicon, an authorised IoT Cisco provider, are excited to announce that they have qualified as a Cisco IoT Advantage Specialist Partner.

This prestigious status reaffirms the wealth of knowledge and competence in Industrial IoT at Amplicon and reaffirms Amplicon as a trusted Cisco partner, able to deliver industry leading industrial IoT solutions.

As one of only six Advantage Industrial IoT partners in the UK, Amplicon will build on their already impressive Cisco IoT solutions with even better, more direct support and tailored pricing to enhance each customers project outcome.  

Working with our team of Cisco qualified engineers to deploy the most advanced IT technologies supplied by the world leader in this technology area means you can grow your business with absolute confidence

Visit our Cisco section to find out more about the range – Amplicon and Cisco solutions